
Dimethyltrienolone is one of a great many potent anabolic steroids that has never been introduced into a commercial drug market. As such, it is a research compound only, and there is no human data on it to report.There are, of course, a great many compounds that fit this description that I never report on. What makes this particular steroid stand out from the others is its sheer potency. More to the point, dimethyltrienolone is perhaps the nastiest and most potent anabolic steroid that has ever been developed and assayed for effect. This agent is a close cousin of Metribolone (methyltrienolone), which is an anabolic abomination in its own right.You may recall that Metribolone was determined to be the most hepatotoxic steroid ever developed at the time of its testing. That steroid is certainly no joke, and neither is dimethyltrienolone. In fact, we can probably consider dimethyltrienolone to be methyltrienolone's older, violent, and recently paroled brother.

In structure,dimethyltrienolone differs from methyltrienolone only by the addition of a 7-methyl group.This is a modification that only appears a couple of times in commercial steroid medicine, but when it does it seems to have a powerful effect. Its main function is to reduce binding to serum proteins like SHGB (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), increasing the percentage of free (active) steroid in the blood. The first time we see it is with bolasterone, a powerful derivative of methyltestosterone that displays nearly six times greater anabolic potency. This drug was sold in a select few nations many years ago, before it was withdrawn from market (never to return). Methylation of C-7 also appears on Cheque Drops (mibolerone), which is 7,17-dimethylated nandrolone. Mibolerone has about 41 times the oral anabolic potency of methyltestosterone, which comes out to almost 7 times greater anabolic potency than methylnandrolone (this shows how much of a difference 7-methylation can make). Furthermore, whenever this modification appears on other research steroids it usually has similar effects on anabolic/androgenic potency. By this logic, if methyltrienolone is bad, dimethyltrienolone should be a major bad ass.

When this steroid was assayed in 1967 for anabolic and androgenic effect, the results were indeterminate110. It is not that the scientists were unable to get an idea of its ability to act as an anabolic and androgenic steroid. Quite to the contrary, the results turned out to be clear and startling. They were indeterminate because the values were so high they could not be accurately calculated given the parameters of the study. The study itself was very typical. As would be expected of an oral steroid, methyltestosterone was used as the standard of comparison. The animals (rats) were dosed and later sacrificed. Ventral prostate and seminal vesicles were weighed to measure androgenic effect, and levator ani was used for anabolic potency (the same three values that were the standard of analysis for steroids in the 1960's and 70's). In regards to all three measures, dimethyltrienolone was shown to be more than 100 times greater in effect  than methyltestosterone. The numbers, when reported in percentages,simply read "> 10,000"(greater than 10,000%) on all 3 tests. I was unable to find further oral assays on this steroid, making the exact potency (by these experiments or others) unknown.

The same warnings that have been given about methyltrienolone hold true for dimethyltrienolone as well. This is an extremely, no exceedingly, potent and toxic compound. Although I admit all things are relative, and it probably can be used under relative safety given the right circumstances, I feel it is a steroid that just doesn't need to be messed with.The ability for the body to break down this steroid is severely limited by not one but a serious of chemical alterations, all of which are responsible for increasing not just its resistance to liver metabolism but also its potency and toxicity as well.There are many other steroids that can be used with similar general effect, which do not present the same relative toxicity to their user. Should you come across dimethyltrienolone, you should probably run, not walk, in the other direction. I don't have the studies showing it, but feel confident that this is indeed one of the most liver toxic steroids ever created, probably much more so than even methyltrienolone.

For the handful of people reading this that possibly could have access to this compound and are concerned with its other properties, a few things can be determined looking at its structure. For one, we know that aromatization is not possible, so estrogenic side effects should not be an issue. Given the resistance we know trenbolone (the non-methylated tri-ene base of dimethyltrienolone) has to 5-alpha reduction, we can similarly expect that dimethyltrienolone will have a relatively balanced anabolic and androgenic effect. Androgenic side effects can (and likely will) occur, of course, but they should not be disproportionate to the relative anabolic potency of the steroid. In most cases balanced usually means "mild" But in this case the shear potency would make measuring, dosing, and controlling the steroid difficult. A proper dose would be measured in quantities less than 1mg per day (probably far less), which is simply too small for the naked eye to measure. Still, in theory, given the ability to measure and determine the right (tiny) dose for you, it could be relatively comfortable to use when it comes to side effects, at least those concerning androgenic and estrogenic action.

Although the chance of coming across dimethyltrienolone on the black market right now are close to zero, the possibility that you might have access to this steroid one day cannot be excluded. Given the amazing expansion of the global steroid market over the past 10 years, and the emergence of many new and old compounds that has come with it, we know that anything can happen these days.There is no saying that some enterprising underground lab or foreign "veterinary" or"research chemical" producer will not put together a dimethyltrienolone product in the future, simply because they can do it and know that selling the "most potent steroid ever" will be a good marketing idea. Should such a product come into existence, it needs to be emphasized again that there are many other steroids out there worth using before this one that are not going to be as dangerous. No compound, no matter how potent, is magic, and dimethyltrienolone is one of those steroids that should probably just be left alone.

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