Estandron is a combination testosterone and estrogen product, manufactured by drug giant Organon in several regions of the world. At first glance the testosterone blend in this product looks very familiar to Sustanon 250. It begins with a small dose of testosterone propionate (20mg), followed by equal amounts of testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone isocaproate (40mg of each).The result is a lOOmg/mL mix of testosterone that is missing only the longest acting (decanoate) ester of Sustanon 250 (though the doses of the other esters are not equivalent). This product is actually ester for ester and milligram for milligram equivalent to a lower dosed and rarely seen version of Sustanon, however, which is called Sustanon 100. The only difference is the addition of Img estradiol benzoate and 4mg estradiol phenylpropionate.
Given its formulation, we can consider Estandron to be essentially Sustanon 100 with estrogen. The estrogen is added to offset some of the masculinizing effects of testosterone, which makes immediately clear the intended audience of this product; women. Combination testosterone and estrogen products are often used with women in clinical medicine when the anabolic effects of testosterone are desired without the associated androgenicity.This includes the treatment of osteoporosis, certain climacteric disorders (conditions associated with menopause), and the suppression of lactation. Such therapies are not as popular today as they were in the past, however, given the advent of many other medications that better treat the various conditions formerly associated with Estandron use. The one key exception is the recent reemergence of low doses of testosterone with estrogen replacement therapy, which is proving to have numerous benefits with women when it comes to the support of lean tissue mass, bone density,and sexual vigor.The formulation present in Estandron, however, contains far too much testosterone to be entertained for this use.
Outside of clinical medicine, Estandron is not widely used or even known. Some female athletes who are interested in testosterone have and continue to experiment with this drug, and often find it extremely effective for promoting muscle growth. The sheer dosage of testosterone in this product often scares most potential female users off, however, whether this may be a justified response or not. Those who do have the courage to experiment with it usually find 1mL of Estandron every week or two to be a more than sufficient dosage. Men, on the other hand, often complain about the estrogen conversion that comes with plain Sustanon. Few are going to pay any sort of attention at all to Estandron. After all, testosterone is cheap and widely available. There is really going to be no need to settle for a product that it going to make estrogenic side effects even more troublesome than they are normally. Those who do, for some reason (perhaps sheer necessity), decide to use it will probably find that 2mL to 4mL per week are required for any notable anabolic effect. Again, this will be accompanied by significant estrogenic activity, so side effects (bloating, gynecomastia, fat gain) are highly likely without concurrent use of a good anti-estrogen.
Given the extremely poor demand for mixed testosterone and estrogen preparations in general on the black market, Estandron is scarcely seen in circulation. It does occasionally appear, and when it does is usually being pawned off to someone young guy new to steroid use and as of yet unfamiliar with the drug instead of an eager female user. Given the low demand for Estandron, there is one positive thing to say about it; it is highly unlikely it will ever be counterfeited. When it comes right down to it, there is zero financial motive to do so (and in all probability it would be a losing investment for anyone that tried). If you do come across one of the various Organon preparations, and have a need for it, you can therefore make your purchase with assurance you are getting what you paid for. Hopefully it will just not turn out to be more than you bargained for.