Sanabolicum (nandrolone cyclohexylpropionate)

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Sanabolicum is a brand name for an injectable nandrolone compound, specifically the long-acting ester nandrolone cyclohexylpropionate. The cyclohexylpropionate ester used here, called CHP for short, is the same one once used with testosterone to make the French product Testosterone CHP Theramex. Cyclohexylpropionate is very similar in structure to cypionate (cyclopentylpropionate), different only in that it contains a cyclohexane ring (6 carbon atoms) instead of cyclopentane ring (5 carbon atoms). Although exact details on its metabolic clearance were unavailable, it could be estimated that this is a slightly longer acting product than a cypionate would be. Although nandrolone CHP is long enough acting that products using it could be injected on a less frequent basis in medical settings, in the context of bodybuilding the standard once weekly schedule is usually adhered to (making it very similar to Deca-Durabolin in use and effect). Testosterone CHP, the testosterone equivalent of Sanabolicum, is long off the market now, as are most of the original formulations using nandrolone cyclohexylpropionate. Some of the more recent products known to still use this steroid are Sanabolicum by the Nile Company in Egypt, Sanabolicum-Vet by Werfft-Chemie in Austria, and Genadrag by Drag Pharma in Chile. Other products existed that used this steroid at one time as well, however, to my knowledge they have been off the market for a very long time now.

In all recently known product, the maximum steroid concentration used has been 50 mg/mL. We also need to take into account that the cyclohexylpropionate ester is large, accounting for nearly a third of the total steroid weight. As such, each 50mg dose delivers less than 34 milligrams of actual nandrolone.To say this steroid was not a powerhouse would be an understatement. In the dosages provided, these products are probably too weak to consider ever using alone. Well, unless you were a masochist, and went out of your way to find low dosed steroids that need to be injecting in large volumes each week. If so, this steroid may be for you (you might want to look for the Egyptian 25mg ampules though). Otherwise, it would be most common to find this steroid used at 100-200mg per week, stacked with other anabolics depending on the goals of its user. Women would find the 50mg/mL dosage strength fine, although it might be advisable to opt for a faster acting ester such as nandrolone phenylpropionate, which would allow for a better level of control over blood levels.

The Sanabolicum compounds seem to rarely ever circulate, even years ago when their production was somewhat broader. It is just a steroid of little interest and advantage, especially at the doses provided. Were a company to start making this steroid in a 200mg/mL or 300mg/mL dose (easily possible), it would be much more popular for certain. Until then, there are at most a few low dose products in manufacture worldwide to choose from, low on the radar for importers, dealers, and buyers alike. The one good thing is that counterfeiters probably have just as little interest in this steroid as consumers. Should you find one of the available products, the odds it will be fake are probably much lower than with most steroids products. At this time you probably have the best chance of finding the Genadrag brand, which is produced by Drag Pharma in Santiago Chile. Genadrag comes packaged in a bright orange and white box, and bears a relatively simple looking orange and white sticker on a dark amber 10ml vial. Aside from the relatively crisp printing and sharp colors of the box, there is little about this product that would make duplication difficult for the average counterfeiter. Until such time as fakes are actually in production, however, it is probably fine to consider this steroid a safe purchase.

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